As 2008 draws to an end, I (like so many others) start to reflect on what the year has been....and what changes I want to see in the coming year. This year has been an emotional roller-coaster for me; I have allowed myself to drift away from my relationship with God - and little by little, I have made my way down into a pit. At this point, I'm aggravated at myself, and a bit miffed that knowing what I know, and having experienced the joys of fellowship with God - it was so easy for me to take the bait. And still, through it all.....through my Israelitic (is that a word) mind, through my stiff-necked rebellion and through my determination to hang on to my flesh -- God is still in love with me. How absolutely, absurdly, phenomenal is that? To love this girl, made out of dirt and stubbornly obsessed with herself, to the lengths of death on a cross?
My hope for 2009 is that I would fall head-over-heels for Jesus Christ; that I would know Him more deeply and intimately; that this uphill/downhill relationship I have with Him would be forever changed.....that it would grow deep roots in love.
May God have His way in this girl's life this year....and the year after that....and the year after that.......
Bless the Lord oh my soul! And all that is within me - - bless His holy Name!!
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