Friday, July 2, 2010

I fell off the face of the earth....

Hi Friends,

I am sheepishly writing this post....

The last few months in my life have not been full of shining moments. Needless to say, I retreated; talked to very few people; ceased any form of online communication unless it was work-related; and basically hid in a hole.

I won't discuss the reasons or issues or anything like that, simply because they are too fresh and too personal. I will say, however, that my mind has cleared and God's mercies are new every morning. I am so utterly thankful that He loves me even though I'm a mess. I'm super glad that He heals and loves and offers amazing, limitless grace. This girl is just a fool at times....a fool who needs Jesus.

SO, there you have it. I'm here. alive and well. and back to blogging. AND, get this: I'm doing the Bible in 90 Days again....this time, I'm not quitting in the second month. Take that, Devil.
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Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Amy... so sorry to hear the past few months have not been good for you. I hope things are starting to look up now! I was happy to see your blog name appear as I was scrolling through my updated blog list! :) It's nice to 'see' you again!

Robyn said...

I am sorry you have been having a rough time Amy! We are so lucky to have such an amazing God, and He loves you so much, mostly because of your imperfections!It is because of those imperfections that we need Him the most,and it is through our imprefections that we rely on Him the most. If we were a perfect people we wouldn't need a perfect God. God gives us valleys so we learn to rely on Him more, so you just keep calling out and hanging on, He will meet you everytime! I love you my friend! If I can do anything you just let me know! Right now I will just be praying!